Well, as I'm writing this I've finished most of my preparations for my involvement of the Nordic Cosplay Championship, tog...

Nordic Cosplay Championship - time to brace myself Nordic Cosplay Championship - time to brace myself

Nordic Cosplay Championship - time to brace myself

Nordic Cosplay Championship - time to brace myself

Well, as I'm writing this I've finished most of my preparations for my involvement of the Nordic Cosplay Championship, together with Sabina (the committee-member in charge of the event) I will arrange the biggest cosplay event in all of the Nordic countries...so big even Sweden's national TV can't keep their eyes from this.
...And writing those words made me even more realize I will be part of something big, no something huge

But this isn't the first time I've worked with the NCC, since last year I did not only worked with the National championship of Cosplay but also the Nordic championship as an assistant for some of the competitors. Back then I was motivated to play, although a smaller one, part of something the gives inspiration and admiration for so many creative people in Sweden/Scandinavia. And you know what: I had a blast! Got to go behind stage and see where the magic comes from, meet fascinating people and also learn more about cosplay crafting...and for a sucker like me that LOVES to learn it was fantastic to be a part of it all, even if it wasn't that big role I felt like I did so much!

Now that's a face saying "I'm learning and I'm happy!!"

Half a year later, the former assistants of NCC were asked if anyone would be interested to work as a organizer for next years event. First I was skeptical about applying, but finally I sent an application to Sabina and with this thought in mind: "maybe they saw potential in me, so why not try it? No harm in trying at least!"
A week later, I got a call from Sabina and she told me she wanted me to work with her for this years NCC. And honestly...the feeling was amazing: I got so excited, I had a bright smile all day long and couldn't wait to tell all of friends. Few times in life was I so excited to get into uncharted territory, and get the chance to learn more about myself and what I could do.

Working with the NCC this spring has been rough, I won't deny it. As a organizer I have much more responsibility and have to do more work before the event: planning, organizing, fix schedules, gather a team of volunteers, give them advice on how to best handle the competitors and problems that might show up etc. And most of all: I had to think about that every decision I make could actually be bad and have greater consequences than I could have as a assistant. Alot of work and risks...that is what being an organizer and leader is about.

However, it has also taught me alot of valuable things: to trust your decisions, to act is better than not act and understand your limits. And also I learned to organize, give directions/instructions to staff, think ahead and focus on your priorities (to even have priorities in the first place!!). Even if it was rough, it was within my trails and new experiences I knew what to think of if I ever become an organizer again...most important is to know what I can and can't do. As a chinese man said it best: if you know your enemy and yourself you don't have to fear the results of a hundred battles. In this case, the enemy is my own fears and how they hinder me from moving forward in life. 

There are so many things I wanna do, and this experience will surely play a part in the future for me.

Although I'm not sure I'm ready, and I could've probably done more to make this event amazing....I still feel like a winner: I've gone to the uncharted territories and come back with new knowledge that surely will help me in my future ambitions. I'm glad for the offer Sabina gave me and the hardships I've been trough...thanks to them, I've become stronger. What will happen afterwards? I have no idea, but that makes it all the more exciting!

Soon it's time, and I feel ready...and I know that staff I've organized is ready and I trust completely they will help the competitors have a good time. They are amazing people.

You can watch it all here on July the 29th!

Until then....it's time to: